Post by D.M.N.He was going to expose them and kill the space program.
NASA killed JFK.
That's not true. NASA is filled with pussies. You cannot get a pussy to kill anybody.
JFK was killed because he let the russians keep cuba. He was weak...another pussy.
So, LBJ killed him.
It was the decent thing to do.
You cannot have pussies in the White house.
The Starmaker
It's very simple. If you have a president of the united states who is a have to kill him.
That is the only way to protect the american people...
but NASA are all pussies...
look at the pictures of them, do they look like killers? No, look like pussies!
Oh yeah, lets get one of those NASA killers to kill the president after he finish his booger sandwitch.
You know those spacesuits astronuts wear are manufactured by the Bra Company.